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「ACⅡ」のアイデア 19 件 | アサシンクリード, アサ, 信条.Assassin's Creed Unityの代替プログラムと類似プログラム(Windows用)- Softonic(ソフトニック


Sail across the icy North Sea to discover and conquer the broken kingdoms of England. Immerse yourself in activities like hunting and drinking games or engage in traditional Norse competitions like flyting — or, as it's better known, verbally devastating rivals through the art of the Viking rap battle.

In the most ambitious expansion in franchise history, Eivor must embrace their destiny as Odin, the Norse god of Battle and Wisdom. Unleash new divine powers as you embark on a desperate quest through a breathtaking world. Back Arrow Left Black arrow pointing left. Buy Now. Community Arrow Right Black arrow pointing right Photomode Support Forums Gameplan.

Universe Arrow Right Black arrow pointing right Assassin's Creed Mirage Assassin's Creed Origins All games Publishing. Learn More. Read More. Available August 2nd. Available June 28th. Available May 23rd. Save even more off your cart using code LEGEND22 Read More. Available April For the first time in UNO, the board is part of the gameplay.

Arrow Left Black arrow pointing left. Build your own Viking Legend Become Eivor, a Viking raider raised to be a fearless warrior, and lead your clan from icy desolation in Norway to a new home amid the lush farmlands of ninth-century England.

Write Your Viking Saga Blaze your own path across England with advanced RPG mechanics. Lead Epic Raids Lead a crew of raiders and launch lightning-fast surprise attacks against Saxon armies and fortresses. ENGAGE IN VISCERAL COMBAT Unleash the ruthless fighting style of a Viking warrior as you dual-wield axes, swords, or even shields against relentless foes.

Grow Your Settlement Your clan's new home grows with your legend. Share Your Custom Raider Recruit mercenary Vikings designed by other players or create and customise your own to share online.

A Dark Age Open World Sail across the icy North Sea to discover and conquer the broken kingdoms of England. Discover More. Students, teachers, non-gamers, and players can discover these eras at their own pace, or embark on guided tours and stories curated by historians and experts.

All Rights Reserved. Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U. Back Arrow Left Black arrow pointing left. Discover Assassin's Creed Mirage Learn More.

Welcome into the Assassin's Creed Universe Play your way through history in the award-winning video game series. Assassin's Creed Mirage In the ninth century CE, Baghdad is at its height, leading the world in science, art, innovation, and commerce.

Learn More. All Assassin's Creed Games. See All Games. Discovery Tour The Discovery Tour is a dedicated game that lets visitors freely roam Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt and the Viking Age to learn more about their history and daily life. Assassin's Creed News.



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